Shuguang Vacuum Tube KT Series
Two tubes for a matched pair
Four tubes for a matched quad
Beam Tetrode: KT88-98 (KT88)
Compatible with: 6550 and CV5220
The power dissipation of beam power tube KT88-98 can deliver power of 42W. For audio frequency amplifier, if two tubes are used as class AB amplification, the output power can reach 100W. At the same time, KT88-98 can also be used in rectifying circuitry. KT88-98 is the compatible with CV5220 and 6550, and can be replaced each other.
Filament HeatingUH…………6.3V
Maximum Ratings
KT94 KT100 KT94 KT100
Plate voltage………………800 800 800 800V
Second grid voltage……….600 600 600 600V
First grid voltage…………..200 -200 -200 -200V
Plate power dissipation……..42 45 35 40W
Second grid power dissipation..8 8 6 6W
Plate plus second grid power dissipation 46 49 40 45W
cathode current………………230 230 230 230mA
heater voltage between cathodes 200 200 250 250V
temperature of glass crust………250 250 250 250 C
First grid resistance
For self-biasing
Pa + Pg2< 35W 0.47 M
Pa +Pg2 > 35W 0.27 M
For fixed-biasing
Pa +Pg2<35W 0.22 M
Pa +Pg2> 35W 0.10 M
Capacitance Tetrode config. Triodes config.
Input capacitance……… 16---- 9.3pF
Output capacitance……… 12 ---- 17pF
Muller capacitance……… 1.2 ----7.9pF
DC Parameters
Tetrode config.
Ug2……………… 250V
a………………… 140mA
Ig2(approx)…… 3mA
Gm………………… 12mA/V
ri …………………12K
ug1-g2…………… 8
Triodes config.
-Ug1(approx)… 15V
u ………………… 8