Triode: 2A3C (2A3)Compatible with: 2A3B
Two tubes for a matched pair
Four tubes for a matched quad
2A3Cis compatible with2A3and 2A3B. Direct heating cathode and low power consumption. Two triodes can be used for class A and AB amplification.
l Gold-plated pins, ceramic tube socket
l Using high transparency tube envelop of 300B
l New design of filament hooking
l High evacuated tube, make it more stable and reliable.
l Fix three layer mica film provides firm inner structure for anti-vibration and reduces microphone effect.
Filament Heating
Uf ……………………… 2.5 V
If…………………………2.5 A
Maximum Ratings
Plate voltage…………………………300 V
Plate dissipation power…………………………15 W
Grid resistance
When it is self-biasing voltage…………………………0.5 M
When it is fix biasing voltage…………………………0.05 M
Input capacitance………………………… 7.5 PF
Output capacitance…………………………16.5 PF
Muller capacitance…………………………5.5 PF
DC Parameters
Ua………………………… 300 V
-Ug………………………… 45 V
Ia………………………… 60 mA
Gm………………………… 5.25 mA/V
ri………………………… 0.8 k
u………………………… 4.2
Pout…………………………3.5 W
Recommended Operating Condition (reference value)
Single tube for class A amplifying(fix biasing voltage)
Ua………………… 250 V
-Ug……………………45 V
RL……………………2.5 k
Ia(0)…………………60 mA
Gm……………………5.25 Ma/V
ri……………………0.8 K
Pout……………………3.5 W
Dtot……………………5 %
For class AB amplifier
fixed biasing self-biasing
Ua……………300 300 V
-Ug……..…62 Rk=780 V
RL……………3 5 k
üg(pk)………87 110 V
Ia(0)…………80 80 mA
Ia(max.sig)…140 100mA
Pout……………15 10 W
Dtot……………2.5 5 %